Baked picantones

Picantones al horno

Picantones are smaller chickens and cooked in the oven are very juicy and tender. It is a very simple recipe to prepare and practical, because all the ingredients are going to be cooked at the same time. You just have to fill the picantones with the plums, season to taste and peel the potatoes, the rest is done in the oven. While it cooks you can prepare a salad and even a dessert.

  • 2 picantones
  • 6 shallots
  • 8 small potatoes or garnish
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 sprig of fresh thyme
  • 1 branch of sage
  • 1 small glass of Armagnac or brandy
  • 6 dried plums
  • 1⁄2 glass of white wine
Baked picantones-(5)-phtosop2 Preparation:
  1. Put the plums and armagnac in a bowl to hydrate, about 15 minutes. Reserve. Preheat the oven top and bottom heat to 210oC
  2. Clean the picantones and season them with salt and pepper inside and out, fill each picanton with the drained plums, reserving the brandy.
  3. Peel and clean the shallots, potatoes and garlic; since the potatoes are small, we will leave them whole.
  4. Before putting them in the casserole, we are going to sauté them briefly so that they are golden, in the 24cm Magma de Monix frying pan . Brown for about 10 minutes.
  5. Grease the picantones with oil and place them in the 24 cm high Magma de Monix saucepan along with the potatoes, shallots and garlic.
  6. Drizzle over it with the brandy, white wine and a splash of olive oil. Finally add the thyme and sage.
  7. Place the casserole in the oven and cook for about 50 minutes, occasionally watering the chickens and potatoes with the juices and turning the chickens halfway through cooking.
  8. Serve the chickens cut into two or four pieces each and serve with the potatoes and juice.
Photography and recipes by Silvia .

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