Roasted chicken thighs with sweet potato and fennel

Muslos de pollo asados con boniato e hinojo
Lately I have taken to adding fennel to everything, from salads to desserts (seriously, I have done it). Fennel is an appetite suppressant. Did you know that fennel was used by soldiers in times of battle and by monks to endure the fast? Additionally, fennel regulates cholesterol levels and hypertension. It also helps prevent the development of arthritis, gingivitis, irritable bowel syndrome, upset stomach, depression and anxiety. So if you don't usually buy it, I encourage you to do so and start using it in your kitchen. Apart from giving a very particular touch of flavor to your dishes, it will take care of you inside. DSCF9939 DSCF9930 DSCF9925 Roasted chicken recipe with sweet potato and fennel Ingredients
  • 2 chicken thighs per person
  • 1 onion
  • 1-2 sweet potatoes
  • 1 fennel bulb
  • 1 piece of chopped ginger
  • Salt and black pepper
  • Chopped garlic and parsley in oil
  • 1 glass of white wine
Preparation We preheat the oven to 185ºC. We clean and season the chicken, brush with the minced garlic and parsley and set aside. We cut the sweet potato, fennel, onion and ginger and place it in our Monix Solid+ cast aluminum saucepan. We put the chicken on top and drizzle with a little extra virgin olive oil and white wine. Season with salt and pepper and bake for about 45 minutes or until the chicken is golden brown. We serve with the vegetables on the side or if we want we can mash them together with a little chicken broth to have a sauce to accompany it.

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