Spinach and mushroom quiche

Quiche de espinacas y champiñones

Savory tarts are perfect to enjoy at any time, lunch, dinner or even snacks. The options are varied in terms of the ingredients that can accompany it. The quiche that we bring you today is a delicious and rich spinach and mushroom quiche. To prepare this recipe we use the pan from our Monix Mineral collection.

Ingredients: For the shortcrust pastry:
  • 250g flour
  • 125g cold unsalted butter
  • 60ml cold water
  • A pinch of salt
For the filling:
  • 200ml cooking cream
  • 3 eggs
  • 400g mushrooms
  • 300g cooked spinach
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Nutmeg
  • 2 leeks
  • 100gr. Sheep cheese
  • Extra virgin olive oil


quiche8236web Preparation:
  1. We begin by preparing the shortcrust pastry, to do this we put the flour and salt in a bowl, mix.

  2. We cut the cold butter into cubes and with the help of our hands we mix with the flour using our fingertips to integrate everything perfectly. There is no need to knead, just mix the butter and flour. It will remain as if it were some kind of land.
  3. Add the cold water and mix until it forms a ball. As I mentioned before, you should not knead, just mix. We wrap in transparent film and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  4. Meanwhile let's go with the filling. In our frying pan we put a splash of olive oil, heat it and add the chopped leeks, fry until soft.
  5. Add the cooked spinach and the mushrooms cut into pieces that are not too small or slices, however you like. We fry for a few minutes and reserve.
  6. We preheat the oven to 200º.
  7. We take out our dough, stretch it and place it on our greased mold. We put greaseproof paper on this and place weight on top so that it does not strain when baking. Chickpeas, rice or some specific ceramic balls for this type of baking will work. We bake for 10 minutes, take out and reserve.
  8. We beat the cream together with the eggs and cheese (we leave a little for decoration) and mix with our vegetables. Add the salt, pepper and freshly ground nutmeg.
  9. We pour the filling over the dough and bake for about 20 minutes. Once we see our quiche golden, we take it out and let it cool on a rack.
  10. We decorate with the grated cheese on top and serve.

Recipe and photographs by Raquel Carmona .

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