Swordfish in sauce

Pez espada en salsa

This recipe for swordfish in sauce is a traditional recipe. A simple dish but with the traditional flavor, it is essential that the quality of the fish is the best so that the result is unbeatable. Yes, we have to say that in the past food coloring was added, today we replace it with turmeric, it provides that wonderful color and is more natural.

Ingredients (for 2-3 people)
500g swordfish
2 eggs
3 garlic cloves
1 bay leaf
1 glass of water
1 tablespoon of flour
Extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
A few strands of saffron


  1. In our 24cm Solid+ saucepan we put two or three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, heat it and add the sliced ​​garlic.
  2. 2. Once browned, add the swordfish cut into not too small cubes. We fry until they are cooked, there is no need to brown them just for them to be sealed.
  3. In a saucepan we put water and cook the two eggs for 10 minutes. Once ready we take out.
  4. We fill a glass with warm water and add the tablespoon of flour, the turmeric and dissolve well so that there are no lumps.
  5. Once our swordfish is ready, we add the water with the dissolved flour and the turmeric, saffron, salt, bay leaf, nutmeg and hard-boiled eggs. Let it cook for a few minutes (if you like a thicker sauce you can add a little more flour)
  6. We serve in a bowl or plate accompanied by some French fries as a garnish.

Photographs and recipe by Raquel .

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