Rice pudding

Arroz con leche

How we love traditional desserts! Today's recipe is a classic present in most homes, rice pudding. There are many versions of this dessert, we have opted for the classic, we hope you like it as much as we do.

Desserts are the finishing touch to a delicious meal, which is why we believe that they should be given the importance they deserve. In this case, rice pudding needs patience and the right ingredients, rice and milk. With these we will get a creamy rice and a special cinnamon and lemon flavor.


  • 200g round rice
  • 300ml of water
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 200g white or brown sugar
  • 2.5l fresh whole milk
arrozconleche8647web Preparation:
  1. We put the milk in our 24cm Óptima saucepan . Together with the lemon peel and the cinnamon stick, heat until it almost starts to boil. We remove from the heat and let it infuse for 5-10 minutes. Once the time has passed, we remove the lemon and cinnamon.
  2. In another saucepan Optima 20cm. We add the water and once it starts to boil we add the rice, we let the grain begin to break down and suck up all the water. Approximately between 10-15 minutes.
  3. Once our rice is ready, we strain it to see if there is any water left and transfer it to the saucepan where we have the milk. We cook at low temperature and stir from time to time to prevent it from sticking to us.
  4. When the grain is ready, add the sugar and mix well. The sugar is always added last to prevent it from sticking.
  5. It has to be somewhat soupy because when it cools it becomes soggy and we run the risk of it being somewhat thick.
  6. We place in glasses or presentation molds and let it cool. Before serving, decorate with lemon zest and cinnamon powder.
arrozconleche8651web Photographs and recipe by Raquel .

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